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T. Livingston

Stock Market Discussion

About Me

T. Livingston is the author of Trading Within the Box: Early Entry Points for Breakout Traders, Swing Into It: A Simple System for Trading Pullbacks to the 50-Day Moving Average, and The Education of a Trader. He is widely followed on Twitter and his blog for both his educational content and market analysis. After struggling for years to make money in the markets, he was able to drastically turn his trading around through a combination of risk management techniques, buying and selling tactics, psychology, and spirituality. You can learn more about him, his trading courses, and his market insights by following him on Twitter, @TLivingstonBlog.

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 Here you will find strategies to improve your trading, finances, and overall life.

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Market Commentary

Here are some stocks that I am currently watching or trading. I am always on the lookout for stocks that are setting up to breakout from

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Here's a set of tools I have used in the past to enhance my trading.

 Books And Courses

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